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Closing Arguments 

      Blaise Pascal presented one of the most realistic and flexible theories about how one should handle the issue of God’s existence. Despite the fact that Pascal himself believed in God, he did not try to change what people believed, and instead urged people to alter their lifestyles in a positive way. Pascal wanted to help people gain the highest possible happiness, and felt that the wager was the best way to do that. This is a unique approach to the popular question of how to deal with the existence of God. In addition to his wager, Pascal’s other philosophical ideas, such as those on free will and human nature presented an extremely interesting outlook on humanity. The main source of Pascal’s philosophy is the Pensées, which was his personal notebook. Reading the Pensées is unique from other philosophical works because at the time that it was written, it was not intended for public viewing. It is a chance to get inside the head of a philosopher and read his true thoughts, not the refined version intended for the public. For these reasons, Blaise Pascal deserves a place on the syllabus next year, and in the philosophical canon.

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